A simple man with a long journey

Will Garner


Those who know Will know he's quite the character

– Adam Sendler


A great story teller and a funny guy

– Adam Sendler

The life of Will

Will's Hobbies

Will enjoys spending time in Gods creation. Whether that is with family or friends or even by himself. He loves to hunt and fish and to be active throughout the year.

Will's Passion

Will is very passionate about his faith and family. He is a follower of Jesus Christ and has a large family.

Will's Favotites

Will Garner has a lot of things that make him happy. The list is endless but here are a few. 

  • Football
  • Cars/Trucks
  • Guns
  • Knives
  • Food
  • Technology
  • Work
  • Outdoors

Will's Future Plans

Will Garner is a laid back person that is not good at planning things. However he does have goals and dreams that he hopes to one day fulfill.

Some of these include 

  • Getting Married
  • Buy a house
  • Start a Family
  • Work
  • Enjoy Gods Creation